Let’s hear your voice

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11-25 years old? Let’s hear your voice – tell us your experiences and feelings about local health care

The 222,000 young people living in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland, aged 11-25 years old, have a chance to have a say in the biggest large-scale engagement of its type undertaken in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland by health care services.

Children and young people are experiencing the world very differently from how adults experienced it in their youth. Health care has also changed a lot and so has the way it is provided.

The local NHS and other care services want to understand what the needs of young people are right now, so they can improve services and how they are designed.

Get involved and share your views:

  • Fill out a questionnaire by visiting: bit.ly/youngvoicesonhealth
  • Follow our social channels:           @NHS Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland


                                                        Instagram: @NHSLLR

We also want to hear from families of people who are 11-25 years old and

healthcare professionals who deliver care to young people – to get involved, visit: bit.ly/youngvoicesonhealth